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  • Writer's pictureSiriwan Sangsuan

10th,February 2018.

Updated: Feb 25, 2018

Today, I was evaluation from supervisor in university. I taught class 11/4. The topic is cause and effects of Traffic Jam in Bangkok. First, I asked students by some questions; Do you know about exposition text? What does it’s mean?

Second, I taught the meaning of cause and effect and linking words of cause and effect. Third, I has the students make group 8 groups and gave the text to the students. Forth, I has the students find cause and effect and underline those words. After that, I was random just 1 group to presented in front of the class. Fifth, I gave the paper to the students and has the students were made a sentence and drew the situation cause and effect one sentence by use linking words of cause and effect. And the last I and the students summarized the lesson together. That, the students were pay attention to learned. Thank you so much. ^_^

(Miss Siriwan Sangsuan)

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